VECTOR SYSTEM real time monitoring for horses

Horses are Sensitive and Precious animals that need to be constantly monitored to guarantee their Wellness, their Safety and their Security, when kept in Stables as well as during their transportation.

An agitated Horse in a Stable or the bad conditions of the roads, could lead the Horse to hit the environment in which it is hosted. As well as, variation of the microclimate, inside the Van or in the Stable, could lead to negative impacts on the Wellness of the Horse, if not detected in time.

Being able to monitor the Horse’s environment, in Stables as well as during the Transport, is of paramount importance to prevent, or promptly manage, critical situations, in order to offer the highest level of Safety and Security for the Horse.

“VECTOR”, is the most advanced Real Time monitoring service via WEB, to Monitor the Horse during its staying in the Stable as well as during its transportation.

With VECTOR is now possible to know, in real time via the Web, the Temperature, Humidity, and Luminosity of the environment in which the Horse is kept, (Stable and/or Van) and detect eventual Mechanical shocks (Hits) suffered by the horse.

In case of Transport, it is also possible to view on digital Maps, the exact position of the Van, its stops and other useful information related to the Horse Transportation.

With VECTOR it is possible to receive alarms on threshold violation of Temperature, Humidity, Luminosity and Mechanical shocks (Hits), recording punctual information, with time stamp about all the events in Stables and /or during the Transportation.

System manufactured by Nextant and distributed by Equiservices.